

Bio: I'm a 50 year old from Indiana... I don't have anything fancy to say. I have a beautiful bouncing "baby" basset hound, Paisley and I live in a house the size of a Lego. I teach high school geometry because that's what I can do... I'm not certain what I'd like to do. I've got other things going for me, but I talk about that stuff regularly. I also have a serious bipolar problem mixed in with a HUGE borderline personality issue and that makes for some fun. Someone asked why I named my site Missing Peace.. so here it is.... It’s a title that has been with me for a long time. Lately you hear a lot of people say "the struggle is real". My biggest struggle has alway been finding peace... In my head... In my heart... In my relationships. And so, Missing Peace just made sense when I came up with my title. Welcome. Jami

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19 thoughts on “About

  1. Attention fellow blogger:

    You are about to receive a form letter (because I am too lazy to type individual emails for all 15 of you recipients), Before you dismiss this as spam or some kind of bad joke, hear me out.

    You may know me. You may not. It doesn’t matter. YOU have been nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

    There are rules and stuff for accepting it, and they are a bit of a pain, but the sentiment is sincere. I only nominated bloggers I thought deserved it, bloggers I thought other people would want to read, bloggers who inspired me in some way.

    You don’t have to accept, of course, but I hope you’ll enjoy knowing you inspired someone. You can find my post here: http://wp.me/s4SyV3-vib

    All My Love,
    Jennifer (aka Ms. Monsterful)

  2. I don’t know how to tell how many followers a person has…. I’m so confused. I’m a bit of a non-geek…. if that makes sense. I’m also extremely ADD at the moment. 😦

    1. It’s a title that has been with me for a long time. I’ve always felt like something is missing in my life… like a piece to a puzzle is missing, but I’m just not quite sure it is and maybe I’ll never know. So, I don’t know really… just this bit of missing “peace” that is always there. I have always thought it was a bad thing, but lately I’m wondering if it’s not so horrible… maybe it’s more productive and less frightening than I think 🙂

    2. I think my about page is messed up for some reason it got deleted and now shows up at the bottom of each of my ebtries. 😦 What exactly does it say? Something about this is an about page? :/

    1. Lol… indeed. Pies are made. We have lots of snow so it maybe just pie, Paisley Pup, boyfriend in the Lego House this Thanksgiving. It will be peaceful and restful for sure! You have a great day!!! 🙂 jl

    1. Thank you! !! I have beenndown with strep throat and then the stomach flu!!! Not cool at all!!! Just read about Whole30. Really interested in it…. although my tummy isn’t so excited about eating anything. Think I’m going to try it when I have a desire to eat again 🙂 Thank you again for the nomination and for reading my blog!

      1. Foxy-O

        You’re welcome! Get well soon! Definitely try Whole30 when you’re feeling better. I look forward to hearing how you do! I have completed this round and need to write a summary of how I did. I will do that soon!

  3. Pingback: I was nominated for a Liebster Award! | foxyolive

  4. Lizzy

    I can so relate with you! I, too, struggle with some psych issues. I have bipolar depression, I struggled with anorexia and bulimia for over 30 years (I am now recovered from that! Praise God!), as well as other issues I will not go into. I look forward to reading more of your writings! Stay strong and God bless!

    1. Lizzy… thank you for coming to my space! I have soooo much respect for you! Wow! I lived with 12 women in a group home for mental illness… 8 of them suffered from eating disorders and HOLY OMG! GOOD FOR GIRL I just don’t think I could be strong enough to recover from something like that! Thank you again for coming here! 🙂 I also look forward to reading more of your writings!

      1. Lizzy

        Thank you for your kind words! I am here if you ever want to talk. You can get my email addy in the “comments” tab when logged into your account. Or you can just post something on my blog. Either way…

  5. Lizzy

    I hope you do not mind… I put a link to your blog on mine! More people need to hear about what a struggle mental illness is. Just today I was explaining to my niece some of my struggles. Perhaps if those of us who struggle — no, battle — with these illnesses it won’t be such a social stigma that healthy people make it out to be. And maybe they will actually listen and be more compassionate. Hope you are doing well today!

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